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Tenki Motor Driver
We have developed a special driver for the Tenki Base vehicle.
There is a control for two drive motors, where the direction of rotation can be changed, and a control for one motor that is on attacment which is in use at the moment. This third utility motor can be only turned ON and OFF, the motor CANNOT CHANGE DIRECTION.
It is prety much compatibile with all mikrocontrolers. Outputs of the motors are protected with the 10A fuses, that is maksimum curent that you can get from there, and input voltage is to maksimum 30VDC .
The inputs are optically insulated, accepting input voltages from 3.3V to 12V, and each of the motor controls has its own ground.
You can order this by clicking on button beneath. Price for the fuly assembled and tested driver is $130 CAD and you will get istruction how to connect.
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