Here you can find an overview of the project TENKI. For this project there is a one-time commission. You will become a member of the PCMbots club for that project, and get access to page for downloading .stl and .skp files, and all future updates.
There is two ways to become member of TENKI project.
If you want .stl files, and complete assembled and tested Motor driver, and some non-printable parts, like it is described on the bottom of the page, there will be one time commission of $150 CAD.
If you want only .stl files, there is one time commission of $50 CAD.
Clicking on buttons above, will get you to a payment page, and when the payment is confirmed, you will become a member of PCMBOTS for Project TENKI.
DC Motors are NOT PART of Motor driver, and non-printable parts KIT. You need to order them separately, like it is described in section on the bottom of the page.
Like member you will be able to log in to the site and download all the files from this project, and you can also ask for technical support via email, in order to solve problems during the construction and commissioning of models from this website.
If you would like more information, look at the individual headings.

TENKI base vehicle
TEKI is a 3D printed vehicle that is the “BASIS” on which you can attach accessories for various functions, such as Video surveillance, LAWNMOWER, SNOWBLOWER, UV Disinfection platform or even some kind of robotic arm.
This idea was born in snowy Canada where would be so ideal if you could clean the snow or cut grass from home, while seating in front of a monitor.
On Download Button you can find all .stl files to print the vehicle, and instruction how to assemble all the printable and non-printable parts.
Also, you can find .skp files for GOOGLE SKETCHUP and you can customize vehicle to your needs, but at your own responsibility, and keep original files in separate folder.

ESP32-CAM stand
There is DB9 female connector on the side of the vehicle, on printed part with sign “P”, that means Panel. This is control point for TENKI. There is also Main Switch, and Charging connector. On DB9 connector there is output of +5VDC for controller, what is coming from 12V battery thru step down convertor on the Driver PCB, and inputs to control motors.
TENKI can use different controllers and microprocessors, like ARDUINO, R-Pi or similar. You can power up controllers from 5V output on DB9 connector, and control the motors with minimum 3.3V thru inputs on same DB9.
Cheapest solution is ESP32-CAM.
There is lot of different versions of this microcontroller with camera, USB loader, and Antenna.
You need all of them. USB loader is used to program the microcontroller, and Antenna, is useful to get better communication to the home network. That will decrease the lag between vehicle and Home PC or Mobile Phone.
Cheapest solution that we found is here:
These .stl files are actually for the box and stand, to install the camera on the top of the vehicle.
There is also schematic diagram how to connect controller to Motor Driver.

LAWNMOWER (Attachment)
This is attachment that make TENKI remote controlled Lawnmower.
You can mow your lawn sitting comfortably in your home in front of a monitor.
There is small DC motor, controlled by MOTOR DRIVER, that rotates 3D printed blades for cutting grass.
Blades have a joint at the base, so in case they hit something, they bend, and in case they break, you will easily print new ones.

SNOWBLOWER (Attachment)
You can clean your driveway from the snow, sitting comfortably in your warm home in front of a monitor.
For now, there is mechanical fixture that is designed for Electric Snow Thrower & Shovel, where you can remove cheeky, and attach shovel directly to the fixture
We are working on our design of 3D printed SNOWBLOWER attachment.
When it is ready will appear here and you can download .stl files, and instructions how to make it.

UV disinfection (Attachment)
You can safely, from a distance, disinfect the premises with UV C light, and navigate thru the rooms and halls.
Robot Arm (Attachment)
We are working on our design of 3D printed ROBOTIC ARM attachment.
When it is ready will appear here and you can download .stl files, and instructions how to make it.
Driver and non-printable parts kit
There is a drive control for two motors, where the direction of rotation can be changed, and a control for one motor or other devices that are on attachment which is in use at the moment. This third utility motor or devices can be only turned ON and OFF, the motor CANNOT CHANGE DIRECTION.
Motor Driver is pretty much compatible with all microcontrollers. Outputs of the motors are protected with the 12A fuses, and that is the maximum current that you can get from the driver. Maximum input voltage for the Driver module is 30VDC. The control inputs are optically insulated, accepting input voltages from 3.3V to 12V, and all three parts of driver have separate power inputs, so if you want, you can use separate battery for each of them, or different voltage for the motors in the caterpillars, and different for the third motor, or other device.
In MOTOR DRIVER KIT there are also some non-printable parts, like Main switch with the LED, DB9 connectors for control signals, and also some small mechanical parts that you will be needed to build the vehicle.
For $130 CAD, you will get fully assembled and tested Motor Driver module, small mechanical parts Kit, and also membership for PROJECT TENKI.
You can order this by clicking on button beneath. (SHIPPING INCLUDED)
DC Motors are NOT PART of Motor driver, and non-printable parts KIT. You need to order them separately, like it is described in section on the bottom of the page.
Clicking on buttons above, will get you to a payment page, and when the payment is confirmed, you will become a member of PCMBOTS for Project TENKI.
Like member you will be able to log in to the site and download all the files from this project, and you can also ask for technical support via email, in order to solve problems during the construction and commissioning of models from this website


Non-printable parts kit
These are couple of additional mechanical and electrical parts, that you will need in assembling of the vehicle.

Bag M
These are parts to assemble Motors holder, and Shafts:
- 8 pieces Screw Flat Head M4 x 8mm, to attach the mottors to Motor Holders
- 4 pieces Screw M4 x 20mm, to attach Motor holder to Back Side
- 4 pieces Worm Screw, to attach plastic part to motor shaft

Bag P
These parts need to be instaled on Panel, 3D printed part "P".
- Main switch
- DB-9 female connector for controls
- Female connector for 12V Battery Charger

Bag S
These parts need to be instaled on Support for electronics, 3D printed part "S1", and "S2"
- 2 pieces of 3-Hole Distribution Wire Screw Terminal Brass
- 2 pieces of Screw M5 x 8 mm
- 4 pieces of Screw Flat Head M3 x10mm
- 4 pieces of Nut M3

TENKI is designed to use two 12V DC High Torque Electric Motor, Metal Gear, Reverse Direction, and speed should be around 100RPM, and they drain around 5 to 6A of current under load.
You need TWO of them, one for each caterpillar, and you need to order them separately, because DC Motors are NOT PART of the Motor Driver Kit.
You can find them on Alliexpress, this is the link, or you can click on the BUTTON below this text.
or if you prefer you can order them from another web store