Here you can download .ZIP files containing 3D Print .STL files for our models, and .SKP files for Google SKETCHUP, a free online design app.
If you want, you can modify your 3D print files, or use it to customize your vehicle, but that is on your own risk.
Please keep original files in a separate folder.
If you find any problem with the design, please let us know.
Tenki BASE Vehicle MO1
TEKI, a 3D printed vehicle that is the basis on which you can attach accessories for various functions, such as video surveillance, mower, snow blower, UV disinfection platform or even some kind of robotic arm.
With different attachment you could do your job while seating in front of a monitor inside your house.
In this file you have zipped .stl and .skp files for MOTOR OPTION 1. SKP files are for Google SKETCHUP, a free online design app.
There is a list of "3D Printed parts O1.pdf", that show how many pieces of each you should print for Motor Option 1, and also there is "Parts List O1.pdf" that show what non-printable parts you need.
There is a mark on every piece, and in Tutorial you will get instruction how to assemble the Base vehicle.
These are the .stl and .skp files for the caterpillar only. In case you want to build your own vehicle with longer tracks.